Goodbye 삼호 Middle School


Goodbye 삼호 Middle School

I've spent roughly 9 months sitting behind this desk looking at this ancient computer screen at Samho Middle School. Looking back on it all, when I started last September I never imagined I'd miss teaching Korea's bratty youth as much I'm going to.

It's the first job I'd dare label as "real". I have a desk. I have a classroom. I work 40 hours and kids call me teacher (more like TeEach-uhaaaa). I mean... no one has to know my last lesson was all about World Cup 2010 or that I showed Simpsons on subtitles one too many times to crazy boy classes where teaching isn't a real option. All in all, Korea's given me my first 'grown up' job and got my parents off my back for a bit!

I'm definitely itching to pack my bags and go bum around India, however, I'll be sad walking out the Samho doors Friday for the last time with kids running around, screaming "HELLOO knee-icky TEACHER how are YOU?! I LOVE YOU!" Who wouldn't miss being a celebrity? There hasn't been a single day that I've taught and not had a good laugh at something these kids say or try to say or do. Read it here.

I teach over 1,000 students/week and 25% of them are little hellian boys who manage to roll dry ice inside paper, inhale it, and blow smoke rings... while class is going on. But then there is the other 75%  who give me little gifts throughout the year, stop by to visit/interrogate me at my desk everyday, give me pictures they've drawn, write funny letters, and ask me hilarious questions like "Why you white and me not?"

When Rhys and I decided to move and sign our lives away to Korea's Public Schools for a year it was just a means to travel. It was never about the job, just about the experience. Now that it's time to leave-- I'm wondering when things changed, and when teaching became just as fun as traveling. I'm already looking forward to the next country where I'll get the chance to brainwash young minds!