Some helpful websites, favorite travel reads, and movies that make you want to quit your life at home and hit the road.


1. Movies that make you want to GO explore & experience the world

  • Into the Wild - Alaska's wilderness. A university graduate gives it all up for a life in the harsh Alaskan wilderness.
  • The Beach - Thailand's backpacking scene & beautiful beaches. A backpacker becomes intrigued by a secret map & sets out to discover the paradise it portrays.
  • The Darjeeling Limited - Indian rail travel at its finest. Three brothers journey of spirituality through the splendid scenery of India on a train.
  • The Motorcycle Diaries - South America's open roads. Che Guevara's life-changing journey through the poverty of America's southern continent.
  • Seven Years in Tibet - Peaceful Tibet. A German climber finds himself stranded in Tibet before embracing Tibetan's strong religious culture.
  • The Children of Huang Shi - Contrasts of China. A British journalist, George Hogg, embarks on an epic journey across the mountains & deserts of China to save a group of orphans.
  • Slumdog Millionaire - The reality of Indian slums. From rags to riches, a young boy from the slums of Mumbai recounts his life events that led to him winning a fortune.
  • Bucket List - The world is your oyster. Two terminally ill friends set out on a journey to realise the dreams of a whimsically written bucket list.
  • In Bruges - Bruges, Belgium is hell on Earth? Two hitmen find themselves struggling to appreciate the town's medieval charms.
  • Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan - American culture ripped to shreads. Borat is sent to document American society & culture.


2. Books to inspire adventure, or just keep you busy on all of those bus, train, boat, & plane trips...

  • First They Killed My Father- A must read for travel to Cambodia, portraying the horrors of Pol Pot's ruthless  regime during in the 1970s.
  • Stay Alive, My Son- Another story of the horrors in Cambodia's history.
  • Life of Pi- Easy, quick read about an Indian boy left stranded at sea with only spirituality to explore.
  • Into Thin Air- Gripping story reliving the tormenting tales of Mount Everest's deadliest expedition to date.
  • Half of a Yellow Sun- A novel that recreates the violent civil war Nigeria struggled through in the 1960s.
  • Tales of a Female Nomad- when I read it, it was all I could do to not let myself  pack everything up and buy a plane ticket. A woman gets rid of everything, husband included, for years of world travel.
  • Eat Pray Love- another great inspiring travel read about a woman leaving everything behind to travel 


3. Websites to accommodate cheap travelling & keep costs down on the road